Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Mindful Yogini Wannabe & Chia seeds

OK, so this is me, one half of lose5kgs. Vegetarian, mild yoga practitioner, mother of 2, building life in a new country and oh yes- an educator.

A sharing of pain with C after a strenuous (at least for me!) yoga session, with the aches in the lower back and knees, resulted in the birth of this blog. I must say C had remarkably short gestation period!

It dawns on me that being healthy is not only what you consume, but what you don't. So my approach to this weight loss for increased well-being is to add on healthy food to my repertoire and to increase my yoga practice, both in a more mindful way.

Plus I'm getting a little bored of my normal meals.

So, today, what did I have different? The current super-food attributed to the Aztecs: Chia Seeds! It's full of fibre, has complete proteins, is a blood sugar stabiliser, rich in minerals and most importantly for a vegetarian- it is rich in omega fatty acids... yay!

Source: http://www.ohhappybelly.com/chia-seed-pudding/

So I made a banana, orange, yoghurt, protein powder & water smoothie for whole family for breakfast this morning. I added a teaspoon each of these seeds for hubby and myself- absolutely loved it! Ok, the children tolerated it but finished most of the smoothie sans seeds.

A good start :)

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